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Additional file English writing


Additional file English writing


/əˈdɪʃənl faɪl ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈraɪtɪŋ/





1. Please make sure to follow the guidelines for additional file English writing before submitting your report. (请务必在提交报告前遵循附加文件英文怎么写的指导方针。)

2. The conference requires all participants to provide an additional file in English for their research papers. (要求所有参会者为他们的研究论文提供一份英文版的附加文件。)

3. The journal editor rejected my article because I did not follow the proper format for additional file English writing. (期刊编辑拒绝了我的文章,因为我没有按照正确的附加文件英文怎么写格式来撰写。)

4. It is important to pay attention to details when it comes to additional file English writing, as even small errors can lead to rejection of your submission. (在撰写附加文件英文时,注意细节非常重要,因为即使是小错误也可能导致你的提交被拒绝。)

5. The university provides a guide for students on how to properly format their additional file English writing for thesis submissions. (大学为学生提供了一份指南,教导他们如何正确地为毕业论文提交准备附加文件英文。)


1. Supplementary document English writing

2. Additional material English composition

3. Supporting file English drafting





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