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1. worthwhile是什么意思?


2. worthwhile是什么意思?读音读法


3. worthwhile是什么意思?的用例

例句1:It's definitely worthwhile to visit the museum, there are so many interesting exhibits.


例句2:I think it's worthwhile to invest in this project, it has great potential for success.


例句3:It may seem like a lot of work, but the end result will be worthwhile.


例句4:The trip was long and tiring, but the beautiful scenery made it all worthwhile.


例句5:I don't regret taking on this challenge, the experience was definitely worthwhile.


4. worthwhile是什么意思?组词

- make something worthwhile (使某事变得有价值)

- a worthwhile investment (一项有价值的投资)

- a worthwhile cause (一个值得支持的事业)

- a worthwhile goal (一个值得追求的目标)

- a worthwhile experience (一次有意义的经历)

5. worthwhile是什么意思?的中英文对照


英文:worthwhile,valuable,worth the effort,worth the time



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