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xá zǔ cí


Meaning: Words that are formed by combining two or more morphemes to convey a specific meaning.

Pronunciation: /ˈzɑː ˈzuː si/

Usage: In linguistics, words can be divided into different categories based on their structures. One of the most common ways is to classify them into simple words and complex words. Simple words are monomorphemic, which means they consist of only one morpheme. On the other hand, complex words are made up of two or more morphemes and can be further divided into two types: compound words and derived words. Xá zǔ cí refers specifically to derived words, which are formed by adding affixes (prefixes or suffixes) to a base word.

Example 1: The word "unbelievable" is a xá zǔ cí as it is derived from the base word "believe" by adding the prefix "un-" and the suffix "-able".


Example 2: The word "happiness" is also a xá zǔ cí as it is derived from the base word "happy" by adding the suffix "-ness".


Example 3: Some common prefixes used to form xá zǔ cí include "re-", "pre-", and "anti-".


Example 4: The suffix "-er" is often added to verbs to form nouns, such as "teacher" and "baker".


Example 5: Xá zǔ cí can also be created by combining two base words, such as "bookcase" and "waterfall".


Synonyms and Usage: Other terms used to refer to xá zǔ cí include derived words, complex words, and affixed words. They all describe the same concept of words formed by adding morphemes to a base word. These words can be used in various contexts and are an important part of vocabulary building in any language.


Editor's Summary: Xá zǔ cí are an essential part of language and play a crucial role in expanding vocabulary. As language learners, it is important to understand the structure and formation of words, especially xá zǔ cí, in order to improve our language skills. By learning how to identify and use xá zǔ cí, we can greatly enhance our ability to communicate effectively in a language. Overall, xá zǔ cí are fascinating and dynamic elements of language that continue to evolve and shape our communication.



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