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The meaning of "退出用英语怎么说" is to express or convey something in English.


Pronunciation: [tuì chū yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō]


"退出用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants to express something in English. It can also be used as a request for someone to translate or explain something in English.


1. 我不太会说中文,可以帮我把这句话退出用英语怎么说吗?

I'm not very good at speaking Chinese, can you help me express this sentence in English?

2. 老师,我可以请你退出用英语怎么说这个单词吗?

Teacher, can I ask you to explain this word in English?

3. 他们在开会时,经常会使用退出用英语怎么说来沟通。

They often use the phrase "退出用英语怎么说" to communicate during meetings.

4. 请你把这段话翻译成英文,我想知道它的意思是什么。

Can you translate this paragraph into English? I want to know what it means.

5. 在国外旅行时,如果遇到不懂中文的人,我们就需要使用退出用英语怎么说来交流。

When traveling abroad, if we encounter someone who doesn't understand Chinese, we need to use the phrase "退出用英语怎么说" to communicate.


1. 用英文表达 (yòng yīng wén biǎo dá) - to express in English

2. 英文翻译 (yīng wén fān yì) - English translation

3. 英语翻译 (yīng yǔ fān yì) - English translation/interpretation

4. 英文解释 (yīng wén jiě shì) - English explanation

5. 英语表达 (yīng yǔ biǎo dá) - English expression


In conclusion, "退出用英语怎么说" is a useful phrase to know when communicating in English. It can be used in various situations, such as when asking for a translation or explanation, or when expressing something in English. Knowing synonyms and similar phrases can also help expand one's vocabulary and improve communication skills in the English language.


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