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wéi zǔ cí



A combination of words that does not conform to the rules of grammar and vocabulary, but is still understandable to native speakers.


/wéi zǔ cí/


In linguistics, a violation of the rules of grammar and vocabulary is often referred to as a "violation" or "error". However, in some cases, these violations can still be understood by native speakers and are considered acceptable in certain contexts. These combinations of words are known as "违组词" or "wéi zǔ cí" in Chinese.

Example sentences:

1. 这个句子虽然有点违组词,但是还是能够理解的。

This sentence may have some word combinations that violate the rules, but it is still understandable.

2. 他的语言表达很有创意,经常会用一些违组词来增加幽默感。

His language expression is very creative, and he often uses word combinations that violate the rules to add humor.

3. 在口语交流中,我们经常会使用一些违组词来简化表达。

In oral communication, we often use word combinations that violate the rules to simplify our expression.

4. 虽然这个单词是一个违组词,但是它在当地的方言中很常见。

Although this word is a combination that violates the rules, it is very common in the local dialect.

5. 作为一个外国人,我经常会犯一些语法错误和使用一些违组词,但是我的朋友们仍然能够理解我。

As a foreigner, I often make grammar mistakes and use word combinations that violate the rules, but my Chinese friends can still understand me.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 创意词 (chuàng yì cí): creative words

2. 口语化表达 (kǒu yǔ huà biǎo dá): colloquial expression

3. 方言词 (fāng yán cí): dialect words

4. 语法错误 (yǔ fǎ cuò wù): grammar mistake

5. 简化表达 (jiǎn huà biǎo dá): simplified expression

Editor's summary:

"违组词" refers to a combination of words that violates the rules of grammar and vocabulary, but is still understandable to native speakers. These word combinations are often used in creative or colloquial expressions, as well as in local dialects. They may also be used by non-native speakers who are still learning the language. However, it is important to be aware of these violations and strive for correct language usage in formal settings.


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