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Responsibility is the feeling of duty or obligation towards a task, role, or situation. It is the sense of being accountable for one's actions and taking ownership of them.





Responsibility can be used as a noun to describe the state or quality of being responsible. It can also be used in phrases such as "take responsibility" or "hold responsibility" to indicate the act of assuming responsibility for something.


1. She has a strong sense of responsibility and always completes her tasks on time.


2. As a manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that all employees are treated fairly.


3. Taking care of a pet requires a great deal of responsibility and commitment.


4. The company holds its employees responsible for their actions and expects them to take responsibility for any mistakes made.


5. It is important for parents to teach their children about responsibility from a young age.



- Accountability: This word also refers to the state of being responsible and can be used interchangeably with responsibility.

- Duty: This word emphasizes the sense of obligation towards a task or role.

- Obligation: Similar to duty, this word also highlights the feeling of being required to do something.

- Commitment: This word implies a strong dedication and sense of responsibility towards a task or goal.


Responsibility is an important value that is essential for personal and professional growth. It involves taking ownership of one's actions and being accountable for them. Whether in a personal or work setting, having a strong sense of responsibility can lead to success and positive outcomes. It is important to cultivate this trait in ourselves and those around us.


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