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词根:nutri 营养



词根:nutri 营养

例句1:Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.(营养学是提供或获取健康和生长所必需的食物的过程。)

例句2:Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients that are essential for our body's health.(水果和蔬菜富含对我们身体健康至关重要的营养物质。)

例句3:A balanced diet consists of a variety of foods that provide all the necessary nutrients for our body.(均衡饮食包括各种各样的食物,为我们身体提供所有必需的营养物质。)

例句4:Breast milk is the most nutritious food for infants as it contains all the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop.(母乳是婴儿最有营养的食物,因为它含有他们生长发育所需的所有必要营养物质。)

例句5:Athletes need to pay attention to their nutrient intake in order to perform at their best during competitions.(运动员需要注意他们的营养摄入量,以便在比赛中发挥出最佳状态。)




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