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怎么读(音标):yì zǔ cí




1. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a combination of two words, "artificial" and "intelligence", which refers to the simulation of human intelligence by machines. 人工智能(AI)是由两个词语“人工”和“智能”组合而成,指的是机器模拟人类智能。

2. The word "cybersecurity" is a compound word formed by combining "cyber" and "security", which means the protection of computer systems from theft or damage to their hardware, software or electronic data. “网络安全”一词是由“网络”和“安全”两个词组合而成,指的是保护计算机免受硬件、软件或电子数据盗窃或损坏。

3. The term "globalization" is a blend of two words, "global" and "civilization", which refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. “全球化”一词是由“全球”和“文明”两个词融合而成,指的是由世界观、产品、思想和文化其他方面的交流而产生的国际一体化过程。

4. The phrase "self-driving car" is a compound noun formed by combining "self-driving" and "car", which means a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. “自动驾驶汽车”是由“自动驾驶”和“汽车”两个词组合而成,指的是一种能够感知环境并在没有人类输入的情况下导航的车辆。

5. The word "smartphone" is a portmanteau word created by blending "smart" and "phone", which refers to a mobile phone that has advanced computing capabilities and connectivity. “智能手机”是由“智能”和“”两个词混合而成,指的是具有先进计算能力和连接性的移动。


1. 合成词(hé chéng cí):也称为复合词,是指由两个或多个单独存在的词语组合而成的新词。与议组词相似,但更倾向于表示抽象概念或者专业术语。

2. 复合名词(fù hé míng cí):也称为复合名(compound noun),是指由两个或多个名词组合而成的词语。与议组词相同,但更常用于日常生活中。

3. 混成词(hùn chéng cí):也称为混合词,是指由两个或多个不同语言的词汇组合而成的新词。与议组词类似,但更具有跨文化特点。

4. 合并词(hé bìng cí):也称为融合词,是指由两个或多个单独存在的词语合并而成的新词。与议组词相似,但更常用于商标和品牌命名。

5. 组合名词(zǔ hé míng cí):也称为复合名(compound noun),是指由两个或多个名词组合而成的专有名词。与议组词类似,但更常用于科技、医学等领域。



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