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1. Meaning: To say something seriously or with great attention to detail.

2. Pronunciation: /ˈsɪərɪəsli/


3. Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to emphasize that they are speaking in a serious manner, paying close attention to what they are saying.

4. Example Sentences:

1. She spoke very carefully and seriously, making sure to explain every detail of the plan.


2. The teacher told the students to listen carefully and take notes during the lecture.


3. He took his job very seriously and always put in his best effort.


4. The doctor spoke seriously with the patient about their health concerns.


5. The company's CEO gave a serious speech about the importance of teamwork.


5. Synonyms: earnestly, diligently, meticulously, conscientiously

6. Editor's Summary: This phrase is often used to convey a sense of gravity or importance in one's speech or actions. It can also be used as a reminder for someone to pay close attention and take something seriously.


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