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读音:xī tái tòng kū



1. She fell to her knees and began to weep, her body wracked with sobs. It was a heartbreaking sight, as she was westwardly crying for the loss of her beloved dog.


2. The news of his father's death hit him hard, and he couldn't hold back his tears. He was westwardly crying in front of everyone, showing his deep love and grief for his father.


3. After losing the championship game, the players were seen westwardly crying in the locker room. They had put all their efforts and emotions into the game, and the loss was too much to bear.


4. The movie was so touching that it left many audience members westwardly crying. The emotional story and powerful acting moved them to tears.


5. She couldn't hold back her emotions any longer and finally broke down, westwardly crying in front of her therapist. It was a breakthrough moment for her to release all the pain and sorrow she had been holding inside.



1. Bawl: to cry or wail loudly and unrestrainedly


2. Sob: to cry noisily while taking in short, sudden breaths


3. Wail: to cry out loudly and mournfully


4. Lament: to express sorrow, mourning or regret through wailing or crying





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