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(mó zǔ cí)

1. 蘑菇 (mó gū)

/məʊ ɡuː/


n. 蘑菇是一种食用真菌,有着圆形的顶部和细长的柄,常用于烹饪或药物。

Mushroom / A mushroom is a type of edible fungus with a round cap and a slender stem, often used in cooking or medicine.

2. 组合 (zǔ hé)

/zʊ ˈhəʊ/

v./n. 将两个或多个事物结合在一起形成新的事物。

Combine / To put two or more things together to form something new.

3. 词典 (cí diǎn)


n. 记载着词汇及其释义的书籍或电子文件。

Dictionary / A book or electronic file containing words and their meanings.

4. 翻译 (fān yì)

/fæn jɪˈleɪt/

v./n. 将一种语言的文字或口语转换成另一种语言。

Translate / To convert written or spoken language from one language to another.

5. 编辑 (biān jí)


v./n. 修改和整理文本,使其更加完整和准确。

Edit / To modify and organize text to make it more complete and accurate.


1. 菌类 (jùn lèi) / Fungus

2. 混合 (hùn hé) / Mix

3. 字典 (zì diǎn) / Lexicon

4. 转译 (zhuǎn yì) / Transliteration

5. 校对 (jiào duì) / Proofread




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