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1. buttock (n.) - the fleshy part of the human body between the of the legs and the waist

【英】Buttocks are often referred to as "bum" or "butt".


2. gluteal (adj.) - relating to or affecting the buttocks

【英】She has been experiencing gluteal pain for weeks.


3. hip (n.) - either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh, where the leg joins onto the body

【英】He put his hands on his hips and looked at her sternly.


4. coccyx (n.) - the small bone at the bottom of the spine, below the sacrum

【英】The coccyx is also known as the tailbone.


5. gluteus maximus (n.) - the large muscle at the back of each buttock

【英】The gluteus maximus is responsible for hip extension and lateral rotation.



1. posterior (adj.) - situated at or toward the hind part of the body

【用法】在医学领域,posterior常用来描述身体后部的解剖结构,如posterior fossa(颅后窝)。

2. sacral (adj.) - relating to or situated near the sacrum

【用法】sacral一般用来描述与骶骨相关的解剖结构,如sacral vertebrae(骶椎)。

3. gluteal muscles (n.) - a group of three muscles in each buttock that work together to help you move your leg backward and rotate it outward

【用法】gluteal muscles常用来指代臀部的三块肌肉,即臀大肌、臀中肌和臀小肌。

4. natal cleft (n.) - a groove between the buttocks that extends from just below the sacrum to the perineum

【用法】natal cleft常用来指代两个臀部之间的裂缝,也被称为“buttock cleavage”。

5. gluteal fold (n.) - a fold of skin and subcutaneous tissue that extends from the iliac crest to the upper part of the thigh

【用法】gluteal fold通常用来指代从髂嵴延伸到大腿上部的皮肤和皮下组织的褶皱。




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