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1. Meaning: The phrase "老工人用英文怎么说" means "How to say '老工人' in English".


2. Pronunciation: Lǎo gōngrén yòng yīngwén zěnme shuō (lɑʊ ˈɡɔŋrən jʊŋ jiːŋwən ˈzənmə ʃuː).

3. Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to know the English equivalent of the Chinese word "老工人" which means "old worker" or "experienced worker".

4. Example sentences:

a. 老工人用英文怎么说?(Lǎo gōngrén yòng yīngwén zěnme shuō?) - How do you say "老工人" in English?

b. 我是一名老工人。(Wǒ shì yī míng lǎo gōngrén.) - I am an old worker.

c. 这家公司很重视老工人的经验。(Zhè jiā gōngsī hěn zhòngshì lǎo gōngrén de jīngyàn.) - This company values the experience of old workers.

d. 老工人们都很有耐心。(Lǎo gōngrénmen dōu hěn yǒu nàixīn.) - The old workers are all very patient.

e. 她的爷爷是一名老工人,他的手艺非常好。(Tā de yéye shì yī míng lǎo gōngrén, tā de shǒuyì fēicháng hǎo.) - Her grandfather is an old worker and his craftsmanship is excellent.

5. Synonyms and Usage:

a. 老职工 (Lǎo zhígōng) - This is another Chinese word that means "old worker" or "experienced worker" and can be used interchangeably with "老工人".

b. 老员工 (Lǎo yuángōng) - This is another Chinese word that means "old employee" or "long-time employee" and can also be used to refer to old workers.

c. 老手 (Lǎoshǒu) - This Chinese word means "old hand" and can be used to refer to someone who is experienced in a particular field or job.

6. Editor's Summary: In summary, the phrase "老工人用英文怎么说" is a common question when someone wants to know the English equivalent of the Chinese word "老工人". It can be answered by using words such as "old worker", "experienced worker", or other synonyms mentioned above.


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