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Meaning: How to say in simple English

Pronunciation: /ˈsɪmpl̩ juː ɪŋˈɡlɪʃ ˈhaʊ tə seɪ/


Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to express something in a simpler way or when they are unsure of how to say something in English.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you explain this concept in simple English? I'm having trouble understanding the technical terms. (你能用简单的英语解释这个概念吗?我对那些技术术语有点难以理解。)

2. He always tries to speak in simple English so that everyone can understand him. (他总是尽量用简单的英语说话,这样大家都能听懂。)

3. I need to write this report in simple English for our international clients. (我需要用简单的英语为我们的国际客户撰写这份报告。)

4. Can you please rephrase that sentence in simple English? I'm not a native speaker and I'm having trouble understanding it. (你能把那句话用简单的英语重新表达一下吗?我不是母语使用者,有点难以理解。)

5. The teacher asked the students to explain the word in simple English as part of their vocabulary lesson. (老师要求学生们在词汇课上用简单的英语解释这个词。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Layman's terms - used when explaining something complex or technical in simpler, everyday language.

Example: Can you please explain this in layman's terms? I'm not familiar with the jargon. (你能用通俗易懂的语言解释一下吗?我不熟悉这些术语。)

2. Basic English - used to refer to simple, everyday English that is easy for non-native speakers to understand.

Example: The company's website is available in basic English for their international customers. (公司的网站提供基础英语版本,方便国际客户使用。)

3. Plain English - used to describe language that is clear and easy to understand, without using technical or complicated words.

Example: The government has made an effort to use plain English in their official documents so that everyone can understand them. (在文件中努力使用简单易懂的英语,以便大家都能理解。)

Editor's Summary:

In summary, "how to say in simple English" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants something explained in a simpler way or when they are unsure of how to express something in English. It can also be used as a request for someone to rephrase something in simpler terms. Other synonyms such as "layman's terms," "basic English," and "plain English" can also be used in similar situations. As an editor and translator, it is important to be able to simplify complex language and make it more accessible for non-native speakers or those who may not have a strong grasp of the language.


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