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Meaning: To sign using English language

Pronunciation: /sɪɡn əˈzɪŋ ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/


Usage: This phrase is used to describe the act of signing a document or agreement using the English language.

Example Sentences:

1. The contract clearly states that all parties must sign using English language.


2. As an international company, all our documents are signed using English language for better understanding.


3. It is important to ensure that both parties understand the terms before signing in English language.


4. The ambassador signed the treaty in both Chinese and English language as a gesture of goodwill.


5. The contract was rejected because it was not signed using English language, which was a requirement stated by the company.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Sign in English: This phrase has the same meaning as "sign using English language" and can be used interchangeably.

2. Sign with your name in English: This phrase emphasizes on signing with one's own name rather than just any words in the English language.

3. Use your signature in English: This phrase specifically refers to using one's signature, which is a unique way of writing one's name, in the English language.

4. Put your name down in English: This phrase is more informal and is often used in casual settings when signing documents or agreements in English.

5. Affix your signature in English: This phrase is more formal and is commonly used in legal or business contexts.

Editor's Note:

Signing documents or agreements using the English language is important for clear communication and understanding between parties involved. It also shows respect for the language and culture of the other party. Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling when signing in English to avoid any misunderstandings.


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