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The meaning of "第一名" in English is "first place" or "number one".


The pronunciation of "第一名" is [dì yī míng].


"第一名" is often used to describe the person or team that has achieved the highest ranking or score in a competition, race, or contest. It can also be used to refer to someone who is the best in their field or profession.


1. 他在比赛中获得了第一名。 (He won first place in the competition.)

2. 她是我们班的第一名学生。 (She is the student in our class.)

3. 这个公司在市场上占据了第一名的位置。 (This company holds the number one position in the market.)

4. 他们是这个行业的第一名专家。 (They are the experts in this industry.)

5. 我们团队的目标是成为市场上的第一名。 (Our team's goal is to become number one in the market.)


1. 冠 (champion): This word can be used interchangeably with "第一名" when referring to a winner of a competition.

2. 首位 (/first place): This phrase can also be used to describe someone who is ranked first or holds the highest position.

3. 最佳 (best): This word can be used to describe someone who is considered to be the best at something.


In conclusion, "第一名" is a versatile term that can be used to describe someone or something that is in first place or considered the best. It is commonly used in sports, competitions, and rankings. Other similar terms such as "冠" and "最佳" can also be used to convey a similar meaning.


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