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1. well是形容词,有两种含义。第一种意思是健康的,身体良好的。:She is very well.(她很健康。)第二种意思是好的,优秀的,令人满意的。:That's a well-written book.(那是一本写得很好的书。)

2. well的读音为/wɛl/,音标为[wel]。

3. well作为形容词时有多种用例。:He is not feeling well today.(他今天感觉不舒服。)The team played very well in the match.(这个团队在比赛中表现得非常出色。)

4. 与well相关的组词有:well-being(幸福),well-off(富裕的),wellness(健康),wellness center(健康中心)等。

5. 中文释义:良好的;优秀的;健康的

6. 英文释义:1. in good health or condition; healthy or sound: He is a well man now.

2.satisfactory, pleasing, or good: All is well with us.

3.properly, correctly, or suitably: The way he went about it was not well.

4.in a satisfactory position; well-off: I am very well as I am.

5.quite well: The day went well until I got home.




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