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Electric inspection

[ɪˈlektrɪk ɪnˈspɛkʃən]


Definition: Electric inspection refers to the process of checking and evaluating electrical systems and equipment to ensure safety and functionality.

Usage: Electric inspection is an essential part of maintaining and ensuring the safety of electrical systems in buildings, homes, and other structures.

Example Sentences:

1. The electrician performed a thorough electric inspection of the newly constructed house before it was deemed safe for occupancy.


2. It is recommended to schedule regular electric inspections to prevent any potential hazards or malfunctions.


3. The building failed its electric inspection due to outdated wiring and unsafe electrical panels.


4. As part of the renovation process, the old electrical system will undergo a complete electric inspection.


5. The electric inspector found several code violations during the inspection and ordered immediate repairs.



1. Electrical evaluation

2. Safety check

3. Electrical assessment

4. Wiring inspection

5. Electrical audit

Editor's Summary:

Electric inspection is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety and functionality of electrical systems. Regular inspections can help prevent potential hazards and maintain the efficiency of the systems. It is important to address any code violations found during the inspection and conduct necessary repairs promptly.


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