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Fén shū kēng rú shì shénme yìsi



1. 原指秦始皇焚烧书籍和坑杀儒者的行为,后引申为破坏文化、抹杀知识的行为。

2. 比喻消灭文化、抑制知识、扼杀思想等行为。


fén: [fɛn]

shū: [ʂu]

kēng: [kɤŋ]

rú: [ru]

shì: [ʂɨ]

shénme: [ʂən mə]




1. 秦始皇统一六国后,下令焚书坑儒,以铲除异己的思想。

After unifying the six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the burning of books and burying of Confucian scholars to eradicate dissenting thoughts.

2. 文革期间,大量文化遗产被毁,可以说是一场大规模的焚书坑儒运动。

During the Cultural Revolution, a large number of cultural relics were destroyed, which can be seen as a large-scale movement of burning books and burying Confucian scholars.

3. 现在的教育过分注重应试能力,完全忽略了培养学生的思想,简直是在进行现代版的焚书坑儒。

The current education system focuses too much on test-taking abilities and completely neglects the cultivation of students' thoughts, which is like a modern version of burning books and burying Confucian scholars.

4. 他们企图通过焚书坑儒来人民的思想,但最终只会导致社会的倒退。

They try to control people's thoughts through burning books and burying Confucian scholars, but it will only lead to regression in society.

5. 历史上多次出现过焚书坑儒的,但最终都被人民所唾弃。

There have been many incidents of burning books and burying Confucian scholars in history, but they were all rejected by the people in the end.


1. 焚毁文化:指破坏文化、抹杀知识等行为。

2. 抹杀知识:指消除知识、扼杀思想等行为。

3. 破坏文化:指损害文化、破坏传统等行为。




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