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灵根久向月中栽,不信天香坠下来 诗词名句

一:灵根久向月中栽,不信天香坠下来 诗词名句的意思:



灵根(líng gēn)久(jiǔ)向(xiàng)月中(yuè zhōng)栽(zāi),不信(bù xìn)天香(tiān xiāng)坠下来(zhuì xià lái)

灵根久向月中栽,不信天香坠下来 诗词名句




1. 他在遭遇挫折时,总是会想起李白的这句诗:“灵根久向月中栽,不信天香坠下来。”

He always recalls this line from Li Bai's poem when he encounters setbacks: "The spirit is planted in the moon for a long time, but the fragrance of heaven does not fall."

2. 这句诗表达了诗人对于人生的感悟,即灵性的本质常常被投射到高远的理想境界中,却很难实现。

This poem expresses the poet's understanding of life, that the essence of spirituality is often projected into distant ideal realms but hard to achieve.

3. 她在困难面前从不气馁,总是坚持着“灵根久向月中栽,不信天香坠下来”的信念。

She never gives up in the face of difficulties, always holding onto the belief of "the spirit is planted in the moon for a long time, but the fragrance of heaven does not fall."

4. 李白的这句诗也可以理解为对于人生苦难和挫折的抒发。

This line from Li Bai's poem can also be understood as an expression of life's hardships and setbacks.

5. 虽然我们常常遇到挫折和困难,但我们应该像李白一样,坚持着“灵根久向月中栽,不信天香坠下来”的。

Although we often encounter setbacks and difficulties, we should follow Li Bai's example and hold onto the spirit of "the spirit is planted in the moon for a long time, but the fragrance of heaven does not fall."


1. 灵根:指人的本质或天赋。

2. 久向:长期向往。

3. 坠下来:落下来,实现。




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