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Synonym in English


To confuse or make something unclear or difficult to understand in the English language.


/ ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ hau tə seɪ /



This phrase is used to indicate a lack of clarity or understanding in the English language.

Example Sentences:

1) The instructions were so poorly translated that they only served to further confuse the students.


2) The politician's speech was filled with convoluted language, making it difficult for the audience to understand his message.


3) The new vocabulary words were presented in such a confusing way that even the native speakers had trouble understanding them.


4) The company's website was poorly translated, leaving potential customers confused and unsure of what services were being offered.


5) The complicated legal jargon used by the lawyer only served to obfuscate the true meaning of the contract.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Baffle - To confuse or perplex someone, especially by being difficult to understand.

2. Bewilder - To cause someone to become confused or puzzled.

3. Perplex - To confuse or puzzle someone by being difficult to understand.

4. Confound - To cause surprise or confusion in someone, especially by acting against their expectations.

5. Mystify - To confuse or puzzle someone by being mysterious or inexplicable.

Editor's Summary:

The phrase "混淆用英语怎么说" refers to the act of making something unclear or difficult to understand in the English language. It is often used to describe poor translations, convoluted language, and confusing instructions. Synonyms for this phrase include baffle, bewilder, perplex, confound, and mystify. As an editor, it is important to ensure that translations and instructions are clear and easy to understand in order to avoid confusion among readers.


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