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jiāng zǔ cí



A word or phrase that is made up of two or more individual words, usually with a specific meaning.


/jiɑːŋ zuː t͡sɨ/


浆组词 is a term commonly used in the field of linguistics to refer to words or phrases that are formed by combining two or more individual words. This process of combining words is known as compounding and is a common feature in many languages.

Example Sentences:

1. My favorite 浆组词 in English is "butterfly", which is made up of the words "butter" and "fly".


2. Chinese has many interesting 浆组词, such as "火车" (train), which means "fire vehicle".

汉语中有很多有趣的浆组词,比如"火车",它的意思是"fire vehicle"(火车)。

3. In some languages, 浆组词 can be formed by combining words from different parts of speech, such as nouns and verbs.


4. The word "breakfast", which means the first meal of the day, is a 浆组词 made up of "break" and "fast".


5. The Chinese language has a rich variety of 浆组词, which makes it a fascinating language to study.


Synonyms and Usage:

- Compound words: This is another term used to refer to 浆组词, especially in the English language.

- 合成词 (héchéngcí): This is the Chinese translation for compound words and can be used interchangeably with 浆组词.

Editor's Summary:

浆组词 are an important aspect of many languages and can add depth and nuance to communication. As an editor, it is important to understand how these words are formed and used in order to accurately convey their meaning to readers. Remember to use them correctly and creatively in your writing!


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