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hóng shì jiě mèi

Noun. Hong Sisters; sisters Hong; the Hong sisters



The Hong Sisters refer to the two famous South Korean screenwriters, Hong Jung Eun and Hong Mi Ran. They are known for creating popular TV dramas such as "Princess Hours," "My Love from the Star," and "Descendants of the Sun." They excel at blending romantic love, humor, and fantasy elements to create unique storylines and characterizations.

1. 洪氏姐妹的最新作品《鬼怪》正在热播中。

The latest work of the Hong Sisters, "Goblin," is currently airing.

2. 洪氏姐妹被称为“韩国电视剧界的双子星”。

The Hong Sisters are known as the "twin stars" of the South Korean TV drama industry.

3. 她们的电视剧常常被改编成其他语言版本,在海外也受到广大观众的喜爱。

Their TV dramas are often adapted into other language versions and are also loved by a large audience overseas.

4. 洪氏姐妹的作品总是充满着幽默和温馨,让人忍俊不禁。

The works of the Hong Sisters are always full of humor and warmth, making people unable to hold back their laughter.

5. 洪氏姐妹的编剧风格独特,每部作品都有自己独特的魅力,深受观众喜爱。

The Hong Sisters' screenwriting style is unique, and each work has its own charm, which is deeply loved by the audience.


1. 姐妹们 (jiě mèi men) - sisters; siblings

2. 双胞胎姐妹 (shuāng bāo tāi jiě mèi) - twin sisters

3. 编剧 (biān jù) - screenwriter; scriptwriter

4. 奇幻 (qí huàn) - fantasy; magical

5. 观众 (guān zhòng) - audience; viewers




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