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The meaning of "梅雨" in English is "plum rain", also known as "meiyu" or "baiyu". It refers to the rainy season in East Asia, especially in China and Japan, which usually starts in early summer and lasts for several weeks.


/meɪ juː/ (may-yoo)



梅雨 is a noun that can be used to describe the specific weather phenomenon or the time period during which it occurs. It can also be used as an adjective to modify other words, such as "梅雨季节" (plum rain season) or "梅雨天气" (plum rain weather).


1. 梅雨季节是南方的常态,每年都会有大量的降水。 (The plum rain season is a regular occurrence in southern China, with heavy rainfall every year.)

2. 每到梅雨季节,人们都要备好雨具,以防被突然下起的大雨淋湿。 (During the plum rain season, people always carry umbrellas to avoid getting caught in sudden heavy rains.)

3. 在日本,梅雨被视为夏天来临的标志,人们会在这段时间里享受清凉的气候。 (In Japan, the plum rain is seen as a sign of summer's arrival and people enjoy the cool weather during this time.)

4. 梅雨期间,气温较低,空气湿度高,很容易导致身体不适。 (During the plum rain season, the temperature is low and the air is humid, which can easily cause discomfort.)

5. 这个城市的梅雨持续时间比较长,一般会持续到7月份。 (The plum rain season in this city lasts longer and usually continues until July.)


1. 梅雨 can also be translated as "plum blossom rain" or "plum flower rain", as it is believed that the plum blossoms will fall during this rainy season.

2. In Chinese, 梅雨 is often used interchangeably with "雨季" (rainy season) or "雨水" (rainwater).

3. In Japan, the term for plum rain is "梅雨前線" (baiu zensen), which refers to the front of a rainy weather system.


In conclusion, 梅雨 is a unique term used in East Asia to describe the rainy season in early summer. It not only refers to the weather phenomenon but also carries cultural and historical significance in China and Japan. As a translator or editor, it is important to understand the context and cultural connotations associated with this term in order to accurately convey its meaning in English.


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