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Baiguyuki is a Japanese singer and actress, born on July 3, 1992 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. She is a former member of the popular Japanese idol group AKB48 and its sub-unit Watarirouka Hashiritai. Baiguyuki joined AKB48 in 2008 as a trainee and was promoted to Team B in 2009. She graduated from the group in 2015 and has since pursued a solo career in both music and acting.


(Baiguyuki Profile)







(As a singer and actress, Baiguyuki often appears on TV shows, movies, dramas, and stage plays. She also participates in various events and concerts, and releases solo albums and singles.)


(Example Sentences)

1. 柏木由纪的歌曲总是能够打动我的心灵,我非常喜欢她的音乐。

(Baiguyuki's songs always touch my heart, I really love her music.)

2. 你看过柏木由纪出演的最新电影吗?她的表演真是精彩呢!

(Have you watched the latest movie starring Baiguyuki? Her performance was amazing!)

3. 柏木由纪将在下个月举行一场个人演唱会,我已经买好了门票,非常期待!

(Baiguyuki will hold a solo concert next month, I have already bought the tickets and I'm so excited!)

4. 我们学校的文艺晚会邀请到了柏木由纪作为嘉宾,学生们都非常兴奋。

(Our school's art festival invited Baiguyuki as a guest, all the students are very excited.)

5. 柏木由纪最近发行了新专辑,其中一首歌曲获得了排行榜冠。

(Baiguyuki recently released a new album, one of the songs won first place on the charts.)


(Synonyms and Usage)

1. 歌手:歌者、歌唱家、歌咏者

(Singer: vocalist, vocalist, songstress)

2. 演员:表演者、戏剧家、艺人

(Actor: performer, thespian, artist)

3. 电影:影片、电视剧、戏剧

(Movie: film, TV drama, play)

4. 表演:表现、演出、扮演

(Performance: expression, show, act)

5. 发行:发布、推出、出版

(Release: publish, launch, publish)


(Editor's Summary)



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