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The meaning of "枇杷" in English is loquat.



The pronunciation of "枇杷" is /ləʊˈkwɑːt/ (low-kwah-t).


"枇杷" is a type of fruit that is native to China and Japan. It has a sweet and tangy taste and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine for its health benefits. The fruit can be eaten fresh, dried, or made into jams and syrups.


1. 我很喜欢吃枇杷,它的味道非常好。

I love eating loquats, they have a delicious taste.

2. 我们家乡的枇杷树已经结出了成熟的果实。

The loquat trees in our hometown have already produced ripe fruits.

3. 你知道如何在家里种植枇杷吗?

Do you know how to grow loquat trees at home?

4. 枇杷茶是一种非常受欢迎的饮品,它有助于缓解咳嗽和喉咙疼痛。

Loquat tea is a popular beverage that can help relieve coughs and sore throats.

5. 这种水果在被视为幸运食物,因为它的名称和“吉祥”的发音相似。

This fruit is considered a lucky food in China because its name sounds similar to the word for "auspicious".


1. Japanese medlar: This is another English name for "枇杷", which is commonly used in Japan.

2. Loquat tree: This refers to the tree that produces loquat fruits.

3. Chinese plum: Although not exactly the same, "枇杷" is sometimes translated as Chinese plum due to its similar appearance and texture.

4. Biwa: In Japanese, "枇杷" is also known as biwa, which can be used interchangeably with loquat.

5. Eriobotrya japonica: This is the scientific name for the loquat tree.


In summary, "枇杷" is a delicious and versatile fruit that has a long history of being used in traditional Chinese medicine. It can be enjoyed fresh or prepared in various ways, such as making tea or jams. Knowing how to say and use this word in English can help you better appreciate this unique fruit and its cultural significance.


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