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1. 极端 (jí duān)


Meaning: extreme; radical; excessive

Usage: This word is used to describe something that is very extreme or excessive in nature.

Example 1: The politician's views were considered too extreme by many voters.


Example 2: The weather was extremely hot, reaching temperatures of over 40 degrees Celsius.


Synonyms: radical, excessive, extreme

Editor's Summary: "极端" is a commonly used word to describe something that is very extreme or excessive. It can be used in various contexts, such as politics or weather.

2. 极限 (jí xiàn)

Meaning: limit; boundary; maximum

Usage: This word is used to describe the highest or most extreme point that something can reach.

Example 1: The athlete pushed himself to his limits during the race.


Example 2: There is a limit to how much weight this bridge can hold.


Synonyms: limit, boundary, maximum

Editor's Summary: "极限" refers to the highest or most extreme point that something can reach. It can be used in various contexts, such as sports or engineering.

3. 极具 (jí jù)

Meaning: extremely; highly; greatly

Usage: This phrase is used to emphasize the degree of something.

Example 1: The movie was extremely popular and broke box office records.


Example 2: The artist's work is highly sought after by collectors.


Synonyms: extremely, highly, greatly

Editor's Summary: "极具" is a phrase used to emphasize the extreme or high degree of something. It can be used in various contexts, such as popularity or demand.

4. 极端主义 (jí duān zhǔ yì)

Meaning: extremism; radicalism

Usage: This term is used to describe the beliefs or actions of those who hold extreme or radical views.

Example 1: The government has declared war on terrorism and extremism.


Example 2: The group's extreme ideologies have caused concern among the general public.


Synonyms: extremism, radicalism

Editor's Summary: "极端主义" refers to the beliefs or actions of those who hold extreme or radical views. It is often associated with political or religious ideologies.

5. 极乐 (jí lè)

Meaning: bliss; ecstasy; paradise

Usage: This word is used to describe a state of extreme happiness or joy.

Example 1: After years of hard work, he finally achieved his dream and felt utter bliss.


Example 2: The newlyweds were in a state of pure ecstasy on their honeymoon.


Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy, paradise

Editor's Summary: "极乐" is used to describe a state of extreme happiness or joy. It can be used in various contexts, such as achieving a dream or being on a honeymoon.

Editor's Summary: The above words all contain the character "极", which means extreme or utmost. They can be used in different contexts to describe something that is very extreme or excessive. Other words that contain this character include 极端 (extreme), 极限 (limit), and 极具 (extremely). However, it is important to use these words appropriately and avoid using them in a negative or exaggerated manner.


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