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英文:How to write the source English

怎么读(音标): /haʊ tə raɪt ðə sɔːs ɪŋɡlɪʃ/



例句1:When writing a research paper, it is important to know how to properly cite the source English. (当写研究论文时,知道如何正确引用来源英文是很重要的。)

例句2:In order to avoid plagiarism, students must learn how to write the source English in their papers. (为了避免抄袭,学生们必须学会在论文中如何写入来源英文。)

例句3:The professor emphasized the importance of knowing how to write the source English when citing references. (教授强调了在引用参考资料时知道如何写入来源英文的重要性。)

例句4:The journalist carefully wrote down the source English for each quote in her article. (记者仔细地记录了她文章中每个引用的来源英文。)

例句5:As a translator, it is crucial to understand how to write the source English accurately in order to provide an accurate translation. (作为一名翻译人员,准确地理解如何书写来源英文对于提供准确的翻译至关重要。)


1. Source language: refers to the original language from which a translation is made.(指翻译的原始语言。)

2. Original English: refers to the original version of a text written in English.(指英文原版文本。)

3. English origin: refers to the origin or source of something written in English.(指英文写作的起源或来源。)




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