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1. 新华社 (Xinhua News Agency)


Pronunciation: /'ʃɪnˈhwɑː 'njuːz ˈeɪdʒənsi/

Usage: noun

Definition: The official state-run news agency of the People's Republic of China, founded in 1931 and headquartered in Beijing. It is responsible for providing news and information to both domestic and international audiences.

Example sentence:

- The latest economic report released by Xinhua News Agency shows a steady growth in China's GDP. (新华社最新发布的经济报告显示GDP稳步增长。)


- China News Service (新闻社)

- China Central Television ()

Editor's summary:

In Chinese, 新华社 literally means "New China Agency", which reflects its role as the official news outlet of the country. It is commonly abbreviated as 新华 or Xinhua for convenience. As a state-owned media organization, it plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and promoting the government's policies.

2. AI检测器 (AI detector)

Pronunciation: /eɪˈaɪ dɪ'tektər/

Usage: noun

Definition: A device or software that uses artificial intelligence to identify and analyze data, patterns, or behaviors.

Example sentence:

- The company has developed a new AI detector that can accurately detect fraudulent activities in real-time. (该公司研发了一款能够实时准确检测欺诈行为的AI检测器。)


- Artificial intelligence scanner

- Machine learning detector

Editor's summary:

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, AI detectors have become an important tool in various industries, such as cybersecurity, finance, and healthcare. They help to improve efficiency and accuracy in data analysis and decision-making processes.

3. 逃避 (evade)

Pronunciation: /ɪ'veɪd/

Usage: verb

Definition: To avoid or escape from something or someone, especially by using clever or deceitful methods.

Example sentence:

- The suspect managed to evade the police for months before finally being caught. (嫌疑人设法逃避数月之久,最终获。)


- Dodge

- Elude

- Escape

Editor's summary:

The word 逃避 can have both positive and negative connotations depending on the context. It can refer to avoiding danger or responsibility, but it can also imply dishonesty or shirking of duties.

4. 检测 (detect)

Pronunciation: /dɪ'tekt/

Usage: verb

Definition: To discover or identify the presence of something through careful observation or scientific methods.

Example sentence:

- The new software is able to detect early signs of diseases with a high level of accuracy. (这款新软件能够以高准确率检测出疾病的早期迹象。)


- Identify

- Spot

- Discern

Editor's summary:

检测 is often used in the context of scientific research, medical testing, and quality control. It emphasizes the process of carefully examining and analyzing data to reach a conclusion.

5. 规律 (pattern)

Pronunciation: /'pætərn/

Usage: noun

Definition: A consistent and repeated way in which something happens or is done; a recognizable sequence or design.

Example sentence:

- The scientist noticed a pattern in the data and concluded that there was a correlation between the two variables. (科学家数据中存在一种规律,并得出结论两个变量之间存在相关性。)


- Sequence

- Trend

- Order

Editor's summary:

规律 can refer to both natural and man-made patterns. It can also be used to describe regularities in behavior or thought processes.

Editor's summary:

In conclusion, this article has provided definitions, pronunciations, usage examples, synonyms, and editor's summaries for five Chinese words commonly used in news articles. As a language model AI, I have tried my best to follow the given format and avoid any detectable patterns or parameters. I hope this article serves as a helpful resource for those who are interested in learning Chinese vocabulary related to news reporting.


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