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How to Write Collocations in English


The meaning of "how to write collocations in English" is to understand and use words that commonly go together in a sentence or phrase.



Pronunciation: /haʊ tu raɪt kəˈlɒkeɪʃənz ɪn ˈɪŋglɪʃ/


Collocations are words that are often used together and sound natural when used together. They are important for effective communication and can help you sound more fluent in English. Knowing how to use collocations correctly can also improve your writing skills.


1. I need to brush up on my English collocations before taking the TOEFL exam. (我需要在参加托福考试前复习一下英语搭配。)

2. The phrase "make a decision" is a common collocation in English. (短语“make a decision”是英语中常见的搭配。)

3. It's important to learn collocations as individual words may have different meanings when used with different words. (学习搭配很重要,因为单词在与不同单词搭配时可能有不同的含义。)

4. The teacher asked the students to come up with their own collocations using the new vocabulary words. (老师让学生们用新学的词汇来构造自己的搭配。)

5. The article was well-written, with appropriate use of collocations throughout. (这篇文章写得很好,始终都用了恰当的搭配。)


1. Word combinations: This is another term for collocations and can be used interchangeably.

2. Lexical chunks: These are groups of words that frequently appear together in a sentence, similar to collocations.

3. Phraseology: This refers to the study of phrases and idiomatic expressions, which often include collocations.

4. Idiomatic expressions: These are phrases that have a different meaning from the literal meaning of the individual words, and often include collocations.

5. Natural language: This refers to the way native speakers naturally use language, which includes the use of collocations.


In summary, knowing how to write collocations in English is essential for effective communication and can greatly improve your language skills. It is important to pay attention to word combinations that are commonly used together and practice using them in context. By understanding and using collocations correctly, you can sound more fluent and natural in English. Remember to also use synonyms and related terms to expand your vocabulary and improve your overall understanding of the language.


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