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Noun: a general description or plan showing the essential features of something, but not the details.

Verb: to describe or give the main points or features of something.


1. The teacher gave us an outline of the lesson before starting the lecture. (老师在开始讲课前给我们一个课程大纲。)

2. The company presented an outline of their new business strategy at the conference. (公司在上介绍了他们的新业务策略大纲。)

3. Can you give me an outline of your argument? (你能给我一个你的论点的大纲吗?)

4. The outline of the mountain was visible against the sunset sky. (山的轮廓在夕阳下清晰可见。)

5. She drew an outline of her hand on the paper. (她在纸上画了一只手的轮廓。)


1. Summary: a brief statement or account of the main points of something.

2. Sketch: a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often used as a preliminary study.

3. Framework: a basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.

4. Blueprint: a detailed plan or design for achieving something.

5. Skeleton: an outline or framework representing only the most essential parts.


In summary, an outline is a general description or plan that shows the essential features of something without going into detail. It can be used as both a noun and verb, and is commonly used in academic and business settings to present the main points or features of a ic or plan. Synonyms for outline include summary, sketch, framework, blueprint, and skeleton.


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