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Dictionary Translation


[dɪkʃənəri trænsˈleɪʃən]



Dictionary translation is the process of converting words or phrases from one language to another using a dictionary as a reference. It involves finding the equivalent meaning of a word in another language and providing its correct spelling, pronunciation, and usage.


1. Can you help me with this French document? I need a dictionary translation for some words. (你能帮我看一下这份法文文件吗?我需要用词典翻译一些单词。)

2. The English version of this book is just a dictionary translation of the original Spanish text. (这本书的英文版只是原版西班牙文的词典翻译。)

3. I always use an online dictionary for translations when I study foreign languages. (学习外语时,我总是使用在线词典进行翻译。)

4. The dictionary translation for "bonjour" is "hello" in English. (“bonjour”的词典翻译是英语中的“hello”。)

5. My job as a dictionary translator requires me to have a strong understanding of multiple languages. (作为一名字典翻译员,我的工作需要我对多种语言有深入的了解。)


- Lexical translation: This is another term for dictionary translation, which emphasizes the use of a dictionary to find the equivalent meaning of words.

- Word-for-word translation: This refers to translating each individual word in a sentence without considering the overall meaning, which can result in awkward or incorrect translations.

- Literal translation: Similar to word-for-word translation, this approach focuses on translating words exactly as they appear in the original language, without considering cultural or linguistic differences.

- Direct translation: This is a more general term that can refer to any type of translation from one language to another, including dictionary translation.

- Transliteration: This is the process of converting the sounds of words from one language to another, rather than their meanings. It is often used for names and proper nouns.


Dictionary translation is an essential tool for anyone learning or working with multiple languages. By using a dictionary as a reference, it allows for accurate and precise translations between languages. However, it is important to keep in mind that dictionary translations may not always convey the full meaning or cultural nuances of a word or phrase. Therefore, it is important for translators to have a strong understanding of both languages and their respective cultures to provide the most accurate and effective translations.


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