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1. 拒狼进虎的意思是指在面对强大的敌人时,不畏惧,勇敢地抵抗和反击。

2. 怎么读(音标):jù láng jìn hǔ


3. 用法:作为动词短语使用,常用于形容某人或某团体在面对困难或危险时的勇敢和坚定。

4. 例句:

1) When the small country was invaded by the neighboring powerful country, the people united and fought back with all their might, refusing to be intimidated by the enemy's strength and showing the spirit of "拒狼进虎".


2) The team was facing a tough opponent in the final match, but they didn't back down and played with determination, embodying the spirit of "拒狼进虎".


3) The company was in a financial crisis, but the employees worked together to come up with solutions and turned things around, demonstrating their "拒狼进虎" attitude.


4) In the face of fierce competition, the small business refused to give up and continued to innovate and grow, showing their determination to "拒狼进虎".


5) As a firefighter, John has always been fearless and ready to take on any challenges, embodying the spirit of "拒狼进虎".


5. 同义词及用法:

1) 抗敌不屈:指在面对敌人的压力和挑战时坚持抵抗不屈服。

2) 坚韧不拔:形容某人具有坚定的意志和顽强的毅力。

3) 不畏强暴:指在面对强大的压力或威胁时仍然保持勇气和决心。

4) 善战勇敢:指具有出色的战斗能力和勇敢的。

5) 挺身而出:指在危难时刻挺身而出,勇敢地面对困难和挑战。

6. 编辑总结:



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