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Huì zū chē xiàzài


惠租车下载 (Huì zū chē xiàzài) - a car rental service



惠租车下载 (Huì zū chē xiàzài) - to rent a car from the Huizuche app or website

Example sentences:

1. 我们可以通过惠租车下载应用程序来预订一辆汽车。

We can book a car through the Huizuche app.

2. 他正在惠租车下载网站上查找一辆适合他的汽车。

He is searching for a suitable car on the Huizuche website.

3. 我们需要在惠租车下载上注册一个账号才能使用他们的服务。

We need to register an account on the Huizuche platform in order to use their services.

4. 惠租车下载提供了各种各样的汽车选择,包括经济型、豪华型和SUV等。

Huizuche offers a variety of car options, including economy, luxury, and SUVs.

5. 如果您需要在国外旅行,惠租车下载可以帮助您轻松地租一辆汽车。

If you are traveling abroad and need a car, Huizuche can help you easily rent one.


1. 租赁 (zūlìn) - rental

2. 预订 (yùdìng) - reservation

3. 订购 (dìnggòu) - booking/ordering

4. 出租 (chūzū) - for rent

5. 汽车租赁 (qìchē zūlìn) - car rental

Editor's summary:

惠租车下载 (Huì zū chē xiàzài) is a popular car rental service in China that allows users to easily rent cars through their app or website. With a variety of car options and convenient booking methods, it is a great choice for those in need of transportation. Synonyms such as 租赁 (rental) and 预订 (reservation) can also be used to describe the service provided by Huizuche.


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