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[qíng tóu yì hé zào jù]

Meaning: To be in perfect harmony and understanding with each other.


Pronunciation: [cheeng toh ee huh dzao joo]

Usage: This phrase is used to describe a situation where two or more people share the same thoughts, feelings, and opinions and are able to communicate effectively with each other.

Example 1: We have been working together for so long that we can finish each other's sentences. We are truly in perfect harmony - [我们已经一起工作这么长时间了,以至于可以互相补充对方的话。我们真的是情投意合。]

Example 2: The couple's relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding. They are always in perfect harmony with each other - [这对夫妇的关系建立在相互尊重和理解的基础上。他们总是情投意合。]

Example 3: The band members have been playing together for years, and their music shows how well they are in perfect harmony - [乐队成员已经一起演奏多年,他们的音乐展示了他们在情投意合方面有多出色。]

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 同心协力 (tóng xīn xié lì) - to work together towards a common goal.

2. 和谐共处 (hé xié gòng chǔ) - to live or work together peacefully.

3. 意气相投 (yì qì xiāng tóu) - to share the same ideas and opinions.

4. 心有灵犀 (xīn yǒu líng xī) - to have a deep understanding and connection with each other.

5. 水乳交融 (shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng) - to blend together harmoniously.

Editor's Summary:

"情投意合造句" is a phrase used to describe a situation where two or more people share the same thoughts, feelings, and opinions and are able to communicate effectively with each other. It emphasizes the harmony and understanding between individuals in a relationship or group. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, work environments, or even creative collaborations. Some synonyms for this phrase include "同心协力", "和谐共处", and "意气相投". Remember to use this phrase when describing a strong connection and understanding between people.


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