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恍惚的英语翻译 恍惚用英语怎么说

一:恍惚的英语翻译 恍惚用英语怎么说的意思

The English translation of "恍惚" is "dazed" or "bewildered." It can also mean "in a state of confusion or disorientation."

恍惚的英语翻译 恍惚用英语怎么说


The pronunciation for "恍惚" is [huǎnghū] in Mandarin Chinese.


"恍惚" is often used to describe a mental state where one feels confused, disoriented, or not fully aware of their surroundings. It can also describe a feeling of being lost in thought or daydreaming.


1. 他在恍惚中走过马路,差点被车撞到。

He walked across the street in a daze and almost got hit by a car.

2. 她一直处于恍惚状态,无法集中精力完成工作。

She has been in a dazed state, unable to focus and complete her work.

3. 那个年轻人看起来恍惚不知所措,似乎迷失了方向。

The young man looked dazed and confused, as if he had lost his way.

4. 我一直处于恍惚状态,仿佛梦游般地走着。

I was in a dazed state, walking as if I were sleepwalking.

5. 她的眼睛里充满了恍惚和茫然,似乎对我说的话毫无反应。

Her eyes were filled with daze and confusion, as if she was not responding to what I said.


1. 迷惑 (míhù) - confused, perplexed

2. 失神 (shīshén) - absent-minded, distracted

3. 惊慌 (jīnghuāng) - startled, flustered

4. 神魂颠倒 (shénhúndiāndǎo) - disoriented, bewildered

5. 恍然大悟 (huǎngrándàwù) - suddenly realize, have a sudden understanding


"恍惚" is a commonly used word to describe a state of confusion or disorientation. It can also refer to being lost in thought or daydreaming. Other similar words such as "迷惑," "失神," and "惊慌" can also be used in similar contexts. When translating "恍惚" into English, the words "dazed" or "bewildered" are the most accurate translations. However, it is important to consider the context and usage of the word before choosing a suitable translation.


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