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1. suite是什么意思?suite的用法有哪些?


a. 套房,指一套由卧室、客厅和浴室组成的套间。:I booked a suite in the hotel for our honeymoon.(我在旅馆订了一间套房来度蜜月。)

b. 套装,指由衣服或家具等组成的整体。:The bride wore a beautiful wedding suite.(新娘穿着漂亮的婚礼套装。)

c. 一系列,指一组相关的事物或活动。:The fashion designer launched a new suite of clothing for the upcoming season.(时尚设计师推出了下一个季节的新系列服装。)

d. 随员,指随同某人或团体行动的人员。:The president travels with a large suite of advisors and assistants.(与大批顾问和助手一起出行。)


a. 适合,指某物符合某种标准或需求。:This job doesn't suit me at all.(这份工作完全不适合我。)

b. 追求,指追求某种目标或状态。:He has been suiting for a promotion for years.(他多年来一直在追求晋升。)

2. suite是什么意思?suite的用法有哪些?读音读法


3. suite是什么意思?suite的用法有哪些?的用例

1) We stayed in a luxurious suite during our vacation in Paris.


2) The hotel offers a variety of suites to cater to different needs.


3) The software company released a new suite of productivity tools.


4) The president's suite includes an office, a bedroom, and a meeting room.


5) The job interview didn't suit her personality and she decided not to take the offer.


4. suite是什么意思?suite的用法有哪些?组词

- sweeten(使变甜)

- suitably(适当地)

- unsuitable(不合适的)

- suitecase(手提箱)

- suitable(合适的)

5. suite是什么意思?suite的用法有哪些?的中英文对照

| 英文 | 中文 |

| --- | --- |

| suite | 套房;套装;一系列;随员;适合;追求 |

| honeymoon suite | 蜜月套房 |

| business suit | 商务套装 |

| software suite | 软件套件 |

| presidential suite | 套房 |

| to suit someone's needs | 符合某人的需求 |

| pursuit of happiness | 追求幸福 |



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