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1. tourist是指旅游者,即到外地旅游的人。通常指那些不居住在当地的人,而是到其他城市、或地区旅行的人。也可以用来形容那些经常进行旅游活动的人。

2. tourist的读音为/tʊərɪst/,音标为[tur-ist],重音在第一音节。

3. 用例:

例句1:The city is full of tourists during the summer season.

例句2:The government has launched various measures to attract more tourists to the country.

例句3:We were mistaken for tourists because of our cameras and maps.

例句4:The local economy heavily relies on tourism, with most residents working in tourist-related industries.

例句5:The tour guide showed us around the famous tourist spots in the city.

4. 组词:

-tourist attraction:旅游景点

-tourist visa:旅游签证

-tourist information center:旅游信息中心

-tourist destination:旅游目的地

-tourist season:旅游季节

5. 中英文对照:

tourist 旅游者

tourism 旅游业

tourist attraction 旅游景点

tourist visa 旅游签证

tourist information center 旅游信息中心

tourist destination 旅游目的地



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