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四:1. She was forced to leave her home due to the war. 她因为战争被迫离开家园。


2. The government is forcing its citizens to pay higher taxes. 正在强制公民缴纳更高的税费。

3. The doctor had to use forceps to deliver the baby. 医生不得不使用产钳来接生婴儿。

4. The students were forced to study late into the night for their exams. 学生们被迫为考试而熬夜学习。

5. The company is facing a lawsuit for forcing its employees to work overtime without pay. 这家公司因为强制员工加班而未付加班费面临诉讼。


1. He was coerced into confessing his crimes under duress. 他在压力下被逼供自己的罪行。

2. The boss is pressuring us to meet the deadline, but we can't work any faster. 老板正在逼迫我们赶上截止日期,但我们已经无法更快地工作了。

3. The kidnappers threatened to harm her family if she didn't comply with their demands. 绑匪威胁说如果她不遵从他们的要求,就会伤害她的家人。

4. The dictator used fear and intimidation to force his citizens to obey his orders. 者利用恐惧和威胁来强迫公民服从他的命令。

5. She felt like she had no choice but to succumb to her parents' wishes and marry the man they chose for her. 她感觉自己别无选择,只能顺从父母的意愿,嫁给他们为她选择的那个男人。



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