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1. tinge是指染色,着色,涂上颜色等。:The artist used a tinge of red to highlight the painting.(这位艺术家使用了一点红色来突出这幅画。)

2. tinge也可以表示轻微的感觉或特征。:There was a tinge of sadness in her voice.(她的声音中带着一丝悲伤。)

3. 在某些情况下,tinge还可以表示某种特定的气味或味道。:The air was filled with the tinge of freshly baked bread.(空气中弥漫着刚出炉的面包的香味。)


1. tinge的读音为/tɪndʒ/,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后发出清晰的“t”和“n”的音。

2. 在美国英语中,tinge有时也会被发音为/tɪndʒi/,即在结尾加上一个“i”的音。

3. 在英国英语中,tinge通常被发音为/tɪndʒə/,即在结尾加上一个弱化的“ə”的音。


1. The sunset was tinged with pink and orange, creating a beautiful scene.(夕阳被粉红和橘色染上,营造出美丽的景色。)

2. The old man's hair was tinged with grey, showing his age.(老人的头发带着一丝灰色,显示出他的年龄。)

3. The smell of the flowers had a tinge of sweetness, making the garden even more pleasant.(花的气味带有一丝甜味,使花园更加宜人。)

4. There was a tinge of jealousy in her voice when she talked about her friend's success.(当她谈论她朋友的成功时,声音中带着一丝嫉妒。)

5. The sky was tinged with purple as the sun began to set, signaling the end of another day.(太阳开始下山,天空变得紫色,标志着又一天的结束。)


1. pink tinge(粉红色)

2. golden tinge(金黄色)

3. slight tinge(轻微的感觉)

4. blue tinge(蓝色)

5. greenish tinge(微绿色)


1. tinge: 染色、轻微感觉

2. highlight: 突出、强调

3. sadness: 悲伤

4. freshly: 刚出炉的

5. baked bread: 烤面包

6. sunset: 日落

7. pink: 粉红色

8. orange: 橘色

9. beautiful: 美丽的

10. scene: 景色、场景


1. tinge: stain, slight feeling

2. highlight: emphasize, make prominent

3. sadness: sorrow, unhappiness

4. freshly: newly, recently

5. baked bread: bread that has just been baked

6. sunset: the time when the sun goes down in the evening

7. pink: a pale red color

8. orange: a color between red and yellow on the spectrum of light.

9. beautiful:pleasing to the senses or mind.

10.scene:a view or landscape as seen by an observer.




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