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Guǎngdōng rén chī Fújiàn rén shì shénme yìsi




1. 广东是最大的省份,广东人吃福建人已经成为了一种常见的现象。

Guǎngdōng shì zhōngguó zuìdà de shěngfèn, Guǎngdōng rén chī Fújiàn rén yǐjīng chéngwéile yīzhǒng chángjiàn de xiàngxiàng.

Guangdong is the largest province in China, and it has become a common phenomenon that Guangdong people outnumber Fujian people.

2. 这个城市的发展速度非常快,广东人吃福建人已经不再是新闻了。

Zhège chéngshì de fāzhǎn sùdù fēicháng kuài, Guǎngdōng rén chī Fújiàn rén yǐjīng bùzài shì xīnwénle.

The development speed of this city is very fast, and it is no longer news that Guangdong people outnumber Fujian people.

3. 在这个,广东人吃福建人的现象不仅仅局限于城市,农村也是如此。

Zài zhège guójiā, Guǎngdōng rén chī Fújiàn rén de xiàngxiàng bùjǐnjǐ júxiàn yú chéngshì, nóngcūn yěshì rúcǐ.

In this country, the phenomenon of Guangdong people outnumbering Fujian people is not only limited to cities, but also exists in rural areas.

4. 广东和福建都是经济发达的省份,但广东人吃福建人的现象却始终存在。

Guǎngdōng hé Fújiàn dōu shì jīngjì fādá de shěngfèn, dàn Guǎngdōng rén chī Fújiàn rén de xiàngxiàng què shǐzhōng cúnzài.

Both Guangdong and Fujian are economically developed provinces, but the phenomenon of Guangdong people outnumbering Fujian people has always existed.

5. 这部小说描写了一个广东人吃福建人的故事,让我们反思当地的发展问题。

Zhè bù xiǎoshuō miáoxiěle yīgè Guǎngdōng rén chī Fújiàn rén de gùshì, ràng wǒmen fǎnsī dāngdì de fāzhǎn wèntí.

This novel tells the story of Guangdong people outnumbering Fujian people, which makes us reflect on the local development issues.


1. 广东人多于福建人:指广东人口数量比福建多,意思与广东人吃福建人相同。

2. 广东比福建发达:指广东省的经济、文化等方面发展比福建省更快更好,也可以用来比喻广东人口数量比福建多。




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