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幅度的英语翻译 幅度用英语怎么说

Meaning: The translation of "幅度" in English is "range" or "extent".

幅度的英语翻译 幅度用英语怎么说

Pronunciation: [fú dù]

Usage: "幅度" is a noun that refers to the degree, size, or scope of something.

Example sentences:

1. 这次调整的幅度比上次要大。(The adjustment this time is larger in range than the last time.)

2. 他们的收入差距有如此大的幅度。(Their income gap has such a large extent.)

3. 在这个问题上,我们需要扩大讨论的幅度。(On this issue, we need to broaden the range of discussion.)

4. 价格波动的幅度影响着消费者的购买决策。(The extent of price fluctuations affects consumers' purchasing decisions.)

5. 这项计划将会改变我们生活的各个方面,它的影响范围之广超出了我们的想象。(This plan will change various aspects of our lives, its range of impact is beyond our imagination.)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 范围 (fàn wéi): range, scope

Example sentence: 她对这个问题有很广泛的研究范围。(She has a wide research range on this issue.)

2. 程度 (chéng dù): degree, level

Example sentence: 他们在这个项目上投入了很大程度的精力。(They have put a great deal of effort into this project.)

3. 广度 (guǎng dù): breadth, width

Example sentence: 这个桥梁的广度超过了预期。(The breadth of this bridge exceeded expectations.)

4. 强度 (qiáng dù): intensity, strength

Example sentence: 这场暴风雨的强度让人惊讶。(The intensity of this storm is surprising.)

Editor's summary: "幅度" is a noun that refers to the degree, size, or scope of something. It can be translated as "range" or "extent" in English. Other similar words include 范围, 程度, 广度, and 强度.


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