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导游的英语翻译 导游用英语怎么说

一:导游的英语翻译 导游用英语怎么说的意思

The English translation of "导游" is "tour guide".


The pronunciation of "导游" is /daʊ'ɡaɪd/ (dow-guyd).

导游的英语翻译 导游用英语怎么说


"导游" is a noun that refers to a person who leads and guides tourists on sightseeing trips or tours. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to lead or guide tourists.


1. 我们的导游会带我们参观这座城市最著名的景点。

Our tour guide will take us to visit the most famous attractions in this city.

2. 这位导游非常专业,对这座城市的历史和文化了如指掌。

This tour guide is very professional and knowledgeable about the history and culture of this city.

3. 我们跟着导游走,欣赏着美丽的风景。

We followed the tour guide and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

4. 导游提醒我们要注意当地的风俗和礼仪。

The tour guide reminded us to pay attention to local customs and etiquette.

5. 如果你有任何问题,请随时向导游提问。

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the tour guide.


1. 旅行指南 (lǚxíng zhǐnán) - travel guide: can refer to a book or person who provides information and guidance for travelers.

2. 旅行顾问 (lǚxíng gùwèn) - travel consultant: a professional who helps plan and arrange trips for clients.

3. 导游员 (dǎoyóuyuán) - tour leader: someone who leads a group of tourists on a trip.

4. 观光导游 (guānguāng dǎoyóu) - sightseeing guide: focuses on showing tourists popular tourist attractions.

5. 城市向导 (chéngshì xiàngdǎo) - city guide: provides information and guidance specifically for a city.




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