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Word: How to Write

Pronunciation: /haʊ tu raɪt/

Definition: To put words or symbols on a surface using a pen, pencil, or keyboard to create a written document.


Example Sentences:

1. He learned how to write his name when he was three years old.


2. Please write your answers in the space provided.


3. I always have trouble writing essays.


4. She writes with her left hand.


5. The teacher asked the students to write a short story for homework.



1. Compose - To create or write something, especially a piece of music or literature.

2. Pen - To write something using a pen or other writing instrument.

3. Record - To write down information or data in a permanent form for future reference.

4. Inscribe - To carve, engrave, or mark letters or words onto a surface.

5. Draft - To prepare and write something for publication.


The word "write" is commonly used in both spoken and written language to refer to the act of creating written documents or texts. It can be used in various contexts such as writing letters, emails, essays, reports, etc.

Editor's Note:

"Write" is an essential skill that is used in everyday life for communication and expression. It is important to learn how to write effectively and clearly to convey one's thoughts and ideas accurately. Practice makes perfect when it comes to writing, so keep practicing and improving your writing skills.


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