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寄托用英语怎么说可以作为一个短语来使用,常见的句式有“to place one's hope/trust/faith in someone/something”(把希望/信任/信仰放在某人/某物身上)。


1. She has always been my best friend, the one I can always turn to and trust, the one I can place all my hopes and dreams in.(她一直是我最好的朋友,我可以依靠和信任她,把所有的希望和梦想都寄托在她身上。)

2. The old man placed his faith in the power of love to heal all wounds.(老人相信爱的力量可以治愈一切伤痛。)

3. As a teacher, I have the responsibility to guide and nurture my students, and I take great pride in placing my trust in them.(作为一名教师,我有责任指导和培养我的学生,我很自豪地把信任放在他们身上。)

4. The young couple placed their hopes in a better future, despite all the challenges they faced.(年轻夫妇把希望寄托在更美好的未来,尽管面临着各种挑战。)

5. The artist's paintings are a reflection of his soul, a way for him to express and place his emotions.(艺术家的画作是他灵魂的映照,也是他表达和寄托情感的方式。)


1. Depend on:依靠,信任。:I know I can always depend on you to be there for me when I need you.(我知道我总是可以依靠你,在我需要你的时候会在我身边。)

2. Rely on:依靠,信赖。:She relied on her friends to help her through the difficult times.(她依靠朋友们帮助她度过困难时期。)

3. Count on:指望,指信任某人能做某事。:You can count on me to keep your secret safe.(你可以指望我保守你的秘密。)

4. Entrust with:委托给某人做某事。:The company entrusted him with the task of managing the new project.(公司委托他负责管理这个新项目。)

5. Confide in:向某人吐露秘密或信任某人。:She confided in her best friend about her fears and worries.(她向最好的朋友吐露了自己的恐惧和担忧。)


寄托用英语怎么说是一个常用的短语,可以表达将自己的情感、希望或信念放在某个人或物上的意思。除了寄托外,还可以使用depend on、rely on、count on等同义词来表达类似的意思。在句式上,可以使用“to place one's hope/trust/faith in someone/something”来表达这一含义。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,需要对英语中常见的短语和同义词有一定的了解,并能够根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式,使文章更加地道和流畅。


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