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1. thorn是什么意思?


2. thorn是什么意思?读音读法:

英 [θɔːn] 美 [θɔːrn]

3. thorn是什么意思?用例:

1) The rose bush was covered in thorns, making it difficult to pick the flowers.


2) The cat got a thorn stuck in its paw while playing in the garden.


3) Be careful not to step on the thorns when walking through the cactus field.


4) The farmer had to wear thick gloves to protect his hands from the thorns on the blackberry bushes.


5) My little brother cried when he accidentally touched a thorn on the rose stem.


4. thorn是什么意思?组词:

- thorny (adj. 多刺的,棘手的)

- thornless (adj. 无刺的)

- thornbush (n. 刺灌木)

- thorned (adj. 有刺的)

- thorniness (n. 多刺,棘手)

5. thorn是什么意思?中英文对照:

thorn - 植物的刺或尖刺

thorny - 多刺的,棘手的

thornless - 无刺的

thornbush - 刺灌木

thorned - 有刺的

thorniness - 多刺,棘手

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:



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