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lán zǔ cí



【发音】lán zǔ cí



1. The word "staycation" is a perfect example of a compound word, as it combines "stay" and "vacation" to describe a holiday spent at home instead of traveling.


2. "Brainstorming" is another common compound word, which refers to the process of generating creative ideas by group discussion.


3. The term "humblebragging" is used to describe the act of boasting in a subtle or self-deprecating way.


4. In Chinese, the word "网络红人 (wǎng luò hóng rén)" is a compound word that combines "网络 (wǎng luò)" meaning internet and "红人 (hóng rén)" meaning celebrity, to refer to someone who becomes famous through the internet.

在中文中,"网络红人 (wǎng luò hóng rén)"这个词是由"网络 (wǎng luò)"和"红人 (hóng rén)"两个词组合而成,指的是通过互联网而成名的人。

5. The term "brunch" is a combination of "breakfast" and "lunch", which refers to a meal eaten between breakfast and lunchtime.






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