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1. Good English [gʊd ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]


Good English refers to the use of standard and correct grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in the English language. It is considered as a high level of proficiency in the language and is often associated with educated and fluent speakers.


Good English is essential for effective communication, especially in formal settings such as business meetings, academic presentations, or job interviews. It is also important for clear and accurate writing in various contexts, including professional emails, academic essays, or creative writing.


Example Sentences:

1. She speaks good English with a slight British accent.


2. The candidate's good English skills impressed the interviewers.



Fluent English, proficient English, advanced English

Editor's Summary:

Good English is not only about having a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge but also about using them accurately and appropriately in different contexts. It requires continuous practice and exposure to the language to maintain a high level of proficiency.

2. Pronunciation [prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃ(ə)n]


Pronunciation refers to the way a word or language is spoken or pronounced by an individual or group of speakers. It involves the production and articulation of sounds, stress patterns, intonation, and rhythm.


Pronunciation plays a crucial role in effective communication as it affects how others understand what we say. It also reflects our level of fluency and can influence our credibility when speaking in public or interacting with native speakers.

Example Sentences:

1. She has excellent pronunciation in both American and British English.


2. The teacher emphasized the importance of correct pronunciation in language learning.



Articulation, enunciation, accent

Editor's Summary:

Pronunciation is a key aspect of language learning and is often neglected by non-native speakers. It requires not only knowing the correct sounds but also practicing them consistently to improve accuracy and fluency.

3. Formal [ˈfɔːməl]


Formal refers to something that follows strict rules or conventions, especially in terms of language, behavior, or style. It is often associated with official or serious contexts and requires a certain level of etiquette and formality.


Formal language is used in formal settings such as business meetings, academic presentations, or legal documents. It is also expected in formal occasions such as weddings, funerals, or diplomatic events.

Example Sentences:

1. The company has a strict dress code for all formal events.


2. In academic writing, it is important to use formal language and avoid colloquial expressions.



Official, conventional, ceremonious

Editor's Summary:

Formal language requires adherence to rules and conventions to maintain a professional image and show respect for the context and audience. It may be challenging for non-native speakers as it involves mastering different levels of formality in different settings.

4. Context [ˈkɒntekst]


Context refers to the circumstances or setting in which something is said, written, or performed. It includes the background information, cultural and social norms, and other relevant factors that contribute to the meaning and interpretation of a message.


Understanding context is crucial for effective communication as it helps us interpret the intended meaning of a message and respond appropriately. It also allows us to adapt our language and behavior to different situations.

Example Sentences:

1. Without considering the context, it is easy to misinterpret someone's words.


2. The teacher provided historical context to help students understand the poem better.



Circumstances, environment, situation

Editor's Summary:

Context is an important aspect of communication that cannot be ignored. It helps us understand the deeper meaning behind words and actions and enables us to communicate effectively in different situations.

5. Credibility [krɛdɪˈbɪlɪti]


Credibility refers to the quality of being trusted or believed by others. It is often associated with honesty, reliability, and competence in one's actions or words.


Credibility is essential for building trust and maintaining good relationships with others. It is particularly important in professional settings such as business partnerships, job interviews, or academic research.

Example Sentences:

1. The politician's lack of credibility led to a decline in public support.


2. Her extensive experience in the field adds credibility to her research findings.



Trustworthiness, believability, reliability

Editor's Summary:

Credibility is crucial for gaining respect and influence in various aspects of life. It requires consistent actions and words that align with one's values and principles.


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