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Good and bad是两个常用的词汇,它们可以用来形容事物的质量、状态、表现等,表示优秀或者差劲。在英语中,还有一些其他词汇也可以用来表达好坏的含义。


Good [ɡʊd]

Bad [bæd]

Excellent [ˈeksələnt]

Poor [pʊr]


1. Good和bad作为形容词时,可以直接修饰名词,表示物品或者事物的质量、状态等。

- This is a good book. (这是一本好书。)

- The weather is bad today. (今天天气很糟糕。)

2. Good和bad也可以作为副词,修饰动词或者形容词,表示程度。

- She sings very well. (她唱得很好。)

- He did badly on the exam. (他考试考得很差。)

3. Excellent和poor作为形容词时,通常修饰名词。

- She got an excellent grade on the test. (她在考试中得了优异的成绩。)

- The poor service made me disappointed. (糟糕的服务让我很失望。)

4. Excellent和poor也可以作为副词,修饰动词或者形容词,表示程度。

- She speaks English very well. (她英语说得很好。)

- The team performed poorly in the game. (这个队在比赛中表现得很差。)


1. Good

- He is a good student. (他是一个好学生。)

- The movie has received good reviews. (这部电影收到了好评。)

- I had a good time at the party last night. (昨晚的派对我玩得很开心。)

- Good things come to those who wait. (耐心等待的人会有好运气。)

- It's a good day for a picnic. (今天是个出去野餐的好日子。)

2. Bad

- Smoking is bad for your health. (吸烟对健康有害。)

- I had a bad dream last night. (昨晚我做了个恶梦。)

- Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. (别太自责了,每个人都会犯错误的。)

- She has been in a bad mood since this morning. (她从今早开始就一直情绪不佳。)

- It's not that bad, we can fix it easily. (没那么糟糕,我们可以轻易解决它。)

3. Excellent

- This is an excellent opportunity for you to show your talents.(这是一个展示你才华的绝佳机会。)

- The food at this restaurant is excellent. (这家餐厅的食物很棒。)

- The students received excellent grades on their exams. (学生们在考试中得了优异的成绩。)

- She speaks English with excellent pronunciation. (她英语发音非常标准。)

- This is an excellent book, I highly recommend it. (这是一本优秀的书,我强烈推荐。)

4. Poor

- The poor weather ruined our plans for a beach day. (糟糕的天气毁了我们去海滩玩的计划。)

- He grew up in a poor family, but he worked hard and became successful. (他出生在一个贫穷的家庭,但是他努力工作后变得成功了。)

- The poor quality of the product disappointed many customers. (产品质量差让很多顾客感到失望。)

- She has a poor understanding of this subject, so she needs extra help.(她对这门课程理解不深,所以需要额外帮助。)

- Despite her poor health, she never gives up and always stays positive.(尽管身体不好,她从不放弃,总是保持乐观。)


1. Good:great, fine, satisfactory, superior

2. Bad:terrible, awful, lousy, unsatisfactory

3. Excellent:outstanding, exceptional, superb, splendid

4. Poor:inferior, substandard, below average, mediocre




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