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zàng zǔ cí

Definition: a combination of words formed by combining the first character of each word.


Pronunciation: /zæŋ zuː sɪ/

Usage: This term is used to describe a group of words that are formed by combining the first character of each word.

Example 1: The term "VIP" is an example of a zàng zǔ cí, as it is formed by combining the first letters of "very important person."

例句1:“VIP”这个词就是一个奘组词的例子,因为它是由“very important person”这几个词的首字母组合而成的。

Example 2: "BRB" is another example of a zàng zǔ cí, as it stands for "be right back."

例句2:“BRB”也是一个奘组词的例子,它着“be right back”。

Example 3: Some popular social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, use zàng zǔ cí in their features like "FB" for Facebook and "IG" for Instagram.


Example 4: In Chinese, the term "HSK" (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì) is a zàng zǔ cí used to refer to the standardized test for Chinese language proficiency.


Example 5: The term "CEO" (Chief Executive Officer) is another commonly used zàng zǔ cí in the business world.


Synonyms: acronym, abbreviation, initialism


Usage: These terms are often used interchangeably with zàng zǔ cí, but there are slight differences in their meanings. Acronyms are formed by combining the first letters of multiple words and are pronounced as a word (e.g. NASA). Abbreviations are shortened versions of a word or phrase (e.g. Dr. for Doctor) and may not necessarily use the first letters of each word. Initialisms are similar to acronyms but are pronounced letter by letter (e.g. FBI).


Editor's Summary: Zàng zǔ cí are commonly used in modern language, especially in the digital age where acronyms and abbreviations are used frequently. They help to save time and space when communicating, but it is important to use them appropriately and not overuse them.



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